Virtual Event for Professionals

Relearning Natural Jaw Function: A New Holistic Myofunctional Therapy Approach

Attention: This event has been re-scheduled!

New dates will follow soon!


Are you a professional looking to learn more about effective myofunctional techniques to help your clients restore holistic balance in the jaw? 


In this in-depth virtual workshop, you will be guided by experts to discover the interconnectedness of the 4 jaw systems. 


How stress, tongue dysfunctions, mind patterns, habits, and overall body dynamics contribute to jaw dysfunctions, bruxism and tension. Get highly effective insightful strategies for recognizing and addressing these issues holistically.


The 4 Jaw Systems:

  1. Orofacial-craniomandibular System: The important role of the tongue and the effects of ankyloglossia (tongue ties).

  2. Jaw-Stress System: How the jaw is affected by stress and how jaw tension creates even more activation.

  3. Jaw-Body System: How the jaw is connected to the entire body - especially the hips and diaphragm. Why pelvic floor breathing is crucial for jaw balance. 

  4. Jaw-Mind System: How thoughts and emotions affect the balance of the jaw system - and what you can do about it!



  • How to instruct your patients to re-learn the natural, healthy tongue and jaw resting position. Laying solid foundations for a balanced jaw for life. 

  • How to activate the anterior branch of the vagus nerve with Jaw Yoga (to facilitate a calm nervous system).

  • Cutting edge principles from myofunctional therapy: How to best address dysfunctions in the orofacial-craniomandibular system?

  • Checklist how to quickly detect imbalances in the orofacial system/orofacial dysfunctions (within minutes) 

  • Live Jaw-Meditation with Mindfulness Coach & Jaw Meditation expert Felix Neubauer (plus extra tips on how to support your clients with 'jaw-fulness' and nervous system regulation techniques)

  • How to keep patients motivated when completing daily exercises: An effective standardised 21 Day Program to balance the jaw system from home. 
  • Exclusive: Overview of the popular 'Kieferfreund Program' from a professionals perspective - How can it support my work?



When? Saturday, 22. June 2024 / 9AM - 5pm (UK-Time) - Lunch break included. 


Investment: EUR 260 (or £220/$280)


A recording is available for all - Also if you are not able to attend the full day. 


To join - fill out the form below and we will get in touch.

(Note: Datenschutzerklärung means 'Privacy Policy') 


Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.

Scientific Studies

Scientific studies as the basis for Jaw Yoga BODY:


Dr. Engelke, Dr. Jung und Dr. Knösel: "Intra-oral compartment pressures: a biofunctional model and experimental measurements under different conditions of posture" Clin Oral Investig. 2011 Apr;15(2):165-76.doi: 10.1007/s00784-009-0367-0. Epub 2010 Feb 2. 


Sandra Kahn, Paul Ehrlich, Marcus Feldman, Robert Sapolsky, Simon Wong: "The Jaw Epidemic: Recognition, Origins, Cures, and Prevention" Bioscience. 2020 Jul 22;70(9):759-771. doi: 10.1093/biosci/biaa073. eCollection 2020 Sep.

Observation of pain reduction in people with jaw dysfunctions by applying the Jaw Yoga method using the Kieferfreund app

Introduction: The aim of this survey is to evaluate the effects of relearning the physiological tongue resting position as part of Jaw Yoga training on pain reduction in the jaw area using the Kieferfreund app.


Material and procedure: A total of 15 participants with temporomandibular joint disorder (CMD) were clinically examined, and finally the subjects completed a questionnaire.


Results: The results show that the participants' pain was remarkably reduced both at rest and during chewing (mean difference [95% CI]). Reported symptoms such as temporomandibular joint noise (93%), bruxism (80%) and frequent headaches/earaches (67%) were also improved or remained unchanged.

These results correlate with the range of movement of the lower jaw measured by the study director. Relevant improvements were measured for maximum mouth opening and mandibular protrusion after the Jaw Yoga training program. In addition, fewer jaw muscles responded painfully to digital palpation.

At the initial survey, none of the test subjects stated that they had the correct physiological tongue rest position in everyday life. During the training program, the physiological tongue rest position was largely automated and transferred to everyday life (67%). These results are consistent with the findings that the tongue resting position influences the tension of the masticatory muscles.

The project also investigated changes in the "stress level" of the test subjects. No significant variance was found before and after training on an ordinal scale based on subjective assessments. This rules out the possibility that the stress level influenced the symptoms.


Conclusion: This observation was a first step in investigating the effects of tongue rest position in the Jaw Yoga training program with regard to jaw dysfunction (CMD).


2016, not published

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